Monday, May 3, 2010

Road of Tragedy

By Obaid Yousuf

This refers to Man-Eater in the City by Mohamad Yousuf published in We the Srinagartes column of City Page. The author has just highlighted the hazards and miseries faced by the people on the road of tragedy, the By-Pass. The authorities are requested to kindly listen to us this time and protect our children from accidents who wait for their school buses on this dangerous road.

The sleeping serpent (By-Pass) will keep on killing people till the concerned agencies do not awaken and construct a service road parallel to the highway.

On reading the title Man Eater in the City, I was frightened that if the man-eater has really attacked the City but after going through the write-up I could imagine that By-pass is really turning into a death trap. Amazingly on the one had Yusuf tried to aware masses about protection of wildlife and on the other hand he expressed hardships faced by the people here due to road terror. Sure both, the wild as well social animals are precious and need protection. Before taking up a project, the constructing agencies must see whether sufficient funds are available with them to execute the work. How ironic it is that ERA is unnecessarily digging the roads and then leave them open for longer periods creating difficulties to the people. We are not crying for the rain waters that have accumulated and submerged the entire southern city because we know our fault of opting to live in the low lying areas so have to bear with it. But demolishing of the safe footpaths or service roads by ERA is objectionable. They are exposing the pedestrians to high risks by making them to walk on main Bypass. They should not spread hands beyond their limits. T is not sensible to dig up the entire road and then leave it half done. Yusuf is right in saying that when a wild animal kills a human being, people raise hue and cry and curse t he animal but when a human kills a human no other human being raise the issue against the defaulter agencies. It is now right time for NGO’s to wake up and take up the matter with higher authorities.

About Author:

Obaid Yousuf is a B.Com student of Govt. Degree College, Bemina and is simultaneously pursuing GNIIT (Software Engineering) from National Institute of Information Technology. In his leisure time he writes articles on sports and social issues. Photography is also his hobby. Feedback at:

The article was published in Daily Greater Kashmir on May 3, 2010

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