Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tribute - Sheikh Sahib Is No More

He didn’t make a name in politics and academics along, but in sports his contribution is unforgettable, Mohammad Yousuf profiles one of the ace footballers of the valley whoom we lost recently.

Prof. Sheikh Ghulam Mohammad

Prof. Sheikh Ghulam Mohammad had not earned a name in academics or politics alone, he was a well know, footballer too. He called it a day on 12th November, 2009. People know much about his political, social and academic affairs but little know about his sports pursuits. Late Sheikh Sahib was a great footballer and a sports lover. He served a lot for the development of sports in the state for nearly 50 years of his valuable life. Prof. Sheikh was an ace football player of his time and played for his School and College for a long period. He was a member of S.P. College Football Eleven in 1947. He represented his College in different Inter-College and Regional tournaments. He also represented the then J&K University in the Inter-University tournaments several times. He was one of the great Kashmiri footballers who took part in Inter-University Football Championship held in worthwhile Punjab University, Lahore during his College days. After his appointment in the higher education department he dedicated himself for the promotion of sports among student youth of two excising A.S. College and S.P. College. Later he developed football in other colleges, wherever he worked during the tenure of his active service. With his great efforts a Football Club was established in S.P. College in forties, which he himself patronized for long. The S.P. College Football Club was considered one of the reputed Football Clubs in the valley till recent years, which was regularly participating in all major tournaments, organized by the University, local Football Clubs and Association during that time. Great footballer of the state like Mr. M.Yusuf Dar, Mr. Farooq Ahmad, Prof Bashir, Mr. Bhagwandas of Jammu and Chapri brothers are his products. He fought for providing boots to the players who used to play barefoot. His demise is a big loss particularly to the arena of sports in the colleges and University. A great human being and a veteran footballer is no more with us today but people will remembers him for long for his contribution to the field of sports. Prof Sheikh was a good friend of Prof. G.N. Siddique, retired Registrar of Kashmir University. Prof Siddique had a long association with this noble soul. He wanted to derive some benefit from this disciplined, honest and highly knowledgeable legendary sportsperson after his retirement. Prof. Sheikh was nominated as first Chairman on University Sports Committee in early eighties. During his Chairmanship the University Sports Department rose to its heights. With his able guidance the Department could formulate long term sports policies. A number of Inter-University Tournaments at North Zone and All India levels were successfully conducted in the University. He always persuaded young football players to play quality game and bring laurels for the University and the state. At times he himself accompanied University Football Teams as Manager in the Inter-University tournaments held outside the state, which encouraged a spirit of sportsmanship among the students. He always guided the players well. He was always personally watching the feedback football matches minutely, analyzing the performance of the young players and then suggesting new measures and strategies for University football team. This soberly person was a big source of motivation and encouragement for sportsmen/women. He always emphasized on tapping raw talent in Colleges and properly grooming it so that Kashmir University could produce ace sportspersons of national standard. During his days as Chairman University Sports Committee the Directorate of Physical Education and Sports of the University received wide acclaim in the field of sports. He always expressed his concern for the welfare of sports fraternity of the state.

Late Sheikh Sahib also helped the University in developing sports among women. It was his desire that the female students should also participate in sporting events and excel. He was in the opinion that the sports develop confidence, courage, camaraderie, coordination and cooperation among women. He always wanted that the women should be exposed to more strenuous work like sports so that they could learn to face difficulties of life boldly, fiercely and prudently. He once himself accompanied the Women Hockey team to Delhi during an Inter-University Hockey tournament. Women sports have been a high priority with him. He encouraged his own daughters to take up to sports during their schooling and college days. His untimely demise is a setback to women sports as well.

Late Sheikh Sahib has left a mark behind. People particularly sports fraternity will remember him long for his great contribution in the field of University sports. In 1998 Jenab Sheikh Sahib met me in Kathmandu during my participation in International River Trisuli Rafting Expedition. On hearing my venture he was delighted and served me Wazwan in a Kashmiri Restaurant there. He assured me every possible help for my endeavour in the foreign country, which shows his dedication towards sports culture. It is undoubtedly unparallel. I am lucky enough that just about two months back of his death I got a chance to see him at his residence. We sat in the beautifully decorated lawns of his house at Nigeen Bagh, full of flowers and greens and discussed a lot about University sports and revealed his old association with University sports. He insisted his son, Mr. Sheikh Abid, to serve me juice, tea and coffee one after another. There was no sign of his ailment. He looked hale and hearty full of life and exuberance.

Prof. Sheikh actually hailed from Nawara, Eidgah and shifted to Nigeen Bagh in 1973. He is survived by wife, two sons and four daughters. He passed his matriculation examination from…. In the year and graduated from S.P. College in the late forties. He did his M.Sc in Physics in Aligarh Muslim University. During his college days he was influenced by political ideologies and started another chapter of his life by joining politics. Besides Sports, he was very much inclined towards politics. He landed in jail a number of times.

On the sad demise of this veteran footballer various political, social and religious organizations and people from all walks of life including teachers, doctors and pro-freedom leaders expressed their profound grief but surprisingly the J&K Football Associations’ governing body could not express a single word of sympathy with the bereaved family. How shameful it is that the new ones are forgetting the old giants. It is great of Prof. Bashir and Mr. Sajid Dar who attended his funeral prayer. The Kashmir University Coaches held a condolence meeting and prayed for peace for the departed soul. They vowed to realize Sheikh Sahib’s mission. He showed them the right part of dealing students problems.

Today I remember him with all his qualities and contribution. May God bless his soul? Ameen.

Published by Greater Kashmir on December 1, 2009

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