Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Know Some Unknown Mountain Sports

There is immediate need to set up a Research Cell in the Recreation Wing of Tourism Department for inventing, introducing, popularizing and encouraging new recreational sports in the valley writes Mohamad Yousuf

As discussed in detail in earlier columns Sonamarg is a hidden treasure for various terrestrial, aquatic and aero sports. There are many more unknown recreational sports for which natural facilities are available here. There is need of developing and exploiting these unknown sports among the masses so that it could help state attract more tourists, adventurers and explorers to this great tourist destination.

It is now right time for Tourism Department to set up a research cell in its Recreation Wing. Some of the objectives which the Cell is expected to achieve are: inventing, introducing, popularizing, and encouraging new and unknown recreational sports among general public at large and tourists in particular; to achieve mountain sports awareness; creating, displaying and demonstrating new recreational activities etc. There is also utmost need of exploring new areas of tourist interest and chalking out concept itineraries for intended tourists and local enthusiasts. Conducting of familiarization tours would certainly help to draw attention of tourist players towards these unknown recreational activities.

There is no other thought that Sonamarg could offer a host of many unknown nontraditional sports that require participants to combine athletic skill with pronounced risk. These nontraditional sports include scree running, zorbing, grass skiing, angling, tree climbing,, snow cycling, kite flying and orienteering etc. These sports are gaining popularity all over the world but we do not have still any concept of these outdoor pursuits. Nontraditional mountain sports allow and encourage individual creativity in the innovation of new maneuvers and in the stylish execution of existing techniques. As more people become aware of these nontraditional sports, the activities gain more enthusiasts. One result of the growing interest is that those who pride themselves on participating in challenging, cutting-edge activities are constantly searching for new ways to test themselves. This ensures the continuity of newer extreme sports.

Scree Running is not a recognized sport but could be developed as a recreational activity for the trekkers who happen to go to high places frequently. Scree is an accumulation of rock debris on a hill. Scree Running is a method of controlled slide down a gravelly slope like we glissade on ice or snowy slopes. In Sindh valley we have number of naturally groomed scree slopes with fine small loose stones, spread all over from hilltop to the base. Krishensar and Vishensar are ideal places for introducing this kind of unknown sport. Like in snow skiing, a Scree Running player zooms down the scree slopes either straight down hill or in zigzag position. A player, in high back boots, bends his knees and puts weight forward and arms spread apart to maintain his balance. Competition in slalom or downhill can also be held in this unique sport.

Orienteering no doubt is played internationally but is still unknown to us. It is a competitive sport, played at all levels including World University Games (Universiad). Orienteering is a Cross-Country race involving map reading. Competitors make their way through unfamiliar mountain terrain using a compass and a topo graphical map. A state level Association in this sport was formed here by some local enthusiasts few years back and conducted few minor competitions at Zabarvan hill in Srinagar some years back but to our dismay the Association could not survive long due to lack of knowledge and interest of State Sports Council. It is also not patronized by any other sports organization like Kashmir University or J&K Youth Services Dep’t.

Tree Climbing is yet another unknown sport in Kashmir. This sport helps a person to build courage, confidence and strength. For adequate safety a piton and a Karabiner is fixed atop a well trimmed and waxed tree and a rope is run through the karabiner for belaying the climber. Bellay is essentially applied from ground after securing it with the climber. One who climbs tree in shortest possible time is declared winner. Major tree climbing competitions are held in some southern states of India, particularly in Kerala. Kerala is one of the most popular tourist destinations of India. The Keralians never let loose any opportunity which could help them to grow their tourism. They are regularly holding tree climbing competitions to attract tourists.

Skiing is usually played on snow and water. But the people in western countries are playing it on grass as well, which is called Grass Skiing. Grass Skiing is becoming increasingly popular in some Asian countries as well. Iran has played a vital role in its development in the continent. Snow skiing and Grass skiing are similar to each other but the difference is that the former is played on snow and the later on grass. Playing techniques and tactics are almost same. Grass skis are similar to roller skates, but instead of wheels it is bonded with a rolling strap beneath its soles like we have in snow scooters, snow beaters and army tanks. The sticks and boots are same. Kashmir has undoubtedly great scope for this sport. We have green pastures everywhere in the valley. Luderwas in Sonamarg and Bud Pathri in Gulmarg etc are suitable places for this sport where we have long slopes covered with velvet like grass.

Zorbing is the activity of rolling down a hill while strapped inside an extremely large plastic ball. It is a developing recreational sport in Kashmir. It was first introduced in Sonamarg by a local travel agency; M/S Karakoram Explorers in the year 2005 who conducted Zorbing on commercial lines. There is a possibility of introducing this sport at different tourist destinations. Zorb ball is made of 150 gauge PVC, with 14 feet circumference. It has two layers, inner and outer. Two players are tied simultaneously with harnesses, which are attached with the inner layer of the ball. It has two small holes for entry and exit of the players. The ball is usually placed on top of any smooth and gradual slope/hill and then rolled down. While rolling down one feels himself in the space. The Zorbing players are also called Zorbonauts.

To Kashmir, fishing simply is an act of catching fish for food, unaware of the fact that fishing is now a sporting and recreational activity, called Sportfishing or Angling. We have number of water bodies in Kashmir those are well stocked with fish including trout. There is potential l to develop angling as a major sporting event in the valley. But Alas! The Fisheries Department has never ever tried to hold any angling competition in Kashmir, which could otherwise help to promote tourism here. It is amazing that each year 750,000 people participate in local, state and regional events in the United State. The competitions include cash awards and prizes for various categories, including the biggest fish caught, the most fish caught, and first fish caught. The most favored methods of angling are bait fishing, spin fishing, trolling, ice fishing and fly-fishing.

Published on 16th December, 2008 in Daily Rising Kashmir

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