After PDD it is now duty of Social Forestry and Gardens and Parks Departments to plant carnation plants and grow greenery all along the Centre Line Divider of By-Pass, desires Mohammad Yusuf

But it is disgusting that these electric poles were erected by PDD after the Gardens and Parks Department or any other agency had already leveled the mid path (Centre Line Divider) and planted grass roots to make it a green belt. The PDD destroyed the greenery with their machines. How nice it would have been if the PDD had first fixed the poles and then the Gardens Department planted the grass. The Departments like, ERA, PHE, BSNL, PDD, UEED, R&B and SMC etc do not keep liaison or co-ordinate with each other while undertaking any major construction projects on roads. They just dug out the roads one after another causing a big loss to state exchequer and put residents in more trouble.
Coming back to By-Pass the E.R.A has recently completed the work of laying drainage system on right side of By-Pass and half portion of left side. But the agency has failed to fill up the deep dug drains after executing the work on left side which has caused inconvenience to the people living in the locality. The pathetic condition of Service Road gives tough time to car owners and trouble to pedestrians. Residents are not able to cross cars from their homes to main road through muddy lanes. The open deep ditches would store water during rains and snowfall and thus cause damage to their houses as has happened in the Sanatnagar area. The E.R.A should immediately fill up these open ditches from Hero Honda to Classic Hospital before they go for hibernation.
Besides Government agencies, the private business establishments are also not cordial and friendly with local community. It is observed that the newly established K.C Hyundai and K.C Chevrolet etc are throwing wrappers and other dirt on the road side. Many other shopkeepers in the area also do not hesitate throwing their waste and garbage on the road which has caused nuisance in the area. Besides, the K.C Hyundai and Jamkesh Vehicleads are parking fleet of cars on the Service Roads, leaving no space for pedestrians to walk through, compelling them to walk on busiest By-Pass and exposing them to accidents. It is a dangerous and ill conceived policy of these workshops. The people may tolerate the pollution, emitting from these workshops but can no way tolerate dangerous walk on main By-Pass. The children, female and old people could become prey to such road hazards. The S.M.C must immediately wake up and take action against such spoilsport business establishments. Keeping service road clear from garbage and cars is need of the hour. They must also arrange planting greenery and carnation plants in the mid path forthwith. The small fountains can be constructed at various places on the road which would add it charm.
Published on 15th Feb, 2010 in Greater Kashmir