Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Adventures Behind Zoji-La

Drass is an adventure tourist destination that demands immediate attention. Is LAHDC listening? Writes Muhammad Yusuf.

Just behind Zoji-La, 3530 meters, with perennial waters, long living glaciers and nestled in lofty snow clad mountains, lies yet another Himalayan valley, called Drass, 3230 meters above sea level. It is locally called Bari Humass which literally means “The Big House”. It is considered the “capital of Dard-Shina tribe” in India. The bleak, barren and naked mountain scenery is typical here. It is a place where wild beauty greets the adventurers. Drass lies on Kashmir-Ladakh national highway, 150 Kms away from Srinagar and 57 Kms before Kargil, located at 34.27 N and 75.77 E.

“Drass could offer a host of variety of adventure tourism products like Wild Water Sports, Climbing and trekking, Aero sports, Archery, Horse Polo, Winter Sports, Snow Cycling, Baseball and Rugby, Sport Angling, Scree Running and Orienteering etc.”

Drass was known to people just because of its distinction of being the second coldest inhabited place in the world but its other peculiarities in the area of tourism are not perhaps known to many. It is in fact a fascinating and challenging destination for adventure tourism which offer all kinds of tourism related terrestrial, aquatic and aero sports outdoor pursuits.

It is very rich in cultural heritage. Pilgrimage tourism is also gaining popularity here. The Dropati Kund, Buddhist statues of Maitreya and Avalokiteshvara, Bhimbat’s stone, Imambara and Ningoor Mosque of Baba Abdullah Mastan are important religious attractions. Similarly Tiger Hill, Mushko, Tololing are important war sites.

But unfortunately it has remained out of focus of the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council and Kargil Development Authority. The adventure tourism potential has not been fully explored and exploited. Govt. has a role to provide basic tourism infrastructure here. KDA must explore tourism opportunities and formulate comprehensive tourism plan for this neglected area with special focus on
 adventure tourism. They must provide adequate training to the local youth which could generate employment avenues for them in tourism sector. Better would have been if a separate Development Authority is allotted to Drass as the Kargil seems to have dominated Drass. Astonishingly 90% of Indo-Pak war was fought in Drass but Kargil earned the fame and took maximum benefits of it.
Unbelievingly Drass recorded lowest temperature on 9th January 1995 when it dropped to -60 *C. After Kargil War in June 1999 it gained more importance when Pakistan raided India and India tested its Bofor Battery against Pakistan for the first time in this conflict. The Kargil War Memorial is a recent attraction for domestic tourists in Drass.

I remember, just three decades back Drass was a small village with less number of mud houses and less population belonging to Dard-Shina community but today it has become one of the largest and highly populated towns of Kargil district. More than 30 villages have come up during this period with pacca and concrete buildings everywhere.

The Forest Department is doing yeomen’s job by giving vegetation cover to barren hilly areas here. Three types of trees are commonly grown. The leaves of Malchang (Willow) are used as feed for cattle, while other kind of willow, Brokchang is used for timber. The poplar (Belpa in Balti and Fress in Shina and Kashmiri) is also grown here. The Palang bushes make the area green. Wheat, barley, pulses and peas are cultivated on vast fertile agricultural land. As compared to their fellow communities in Sonamarg, Tulail and Gurez etc the people living here are comparatively prosperous and more progressive.

It is laudable that with the multipurpose aims and objectives, particularly celebrating the “International Year of Youth-2010” by the students, to make reconnaissance and to study the potential of adventure tourism in Drass the Directorate of Physical Education and Sports, University of Kashmir recently sent a 30 member adventure expedition to this bleak Himalayan valley under the overall supervision of its Director, Prof. N.A Rather, led by this writer. After the success of Gurez exploration some years back it was novel idea of the University to explore Drass.

Kashmir University is perhaps first Institution that has paddled down the treacherous waters of river Drass. Being the first wild water activity in the town hundreds of local children and youth rushed to us and desired to take a pleasure ride with us. River Drass, nearly 70 Kms long, offer medium graded but exciting rafting. At certain places it turns wild and turbulent. The Tourism Department should try a State or National level Rafting Championship on this river next year so as to pave way for introducing rafting here. It has obviously tremendous potential for commercial rafting and has some ideal stretches for training youth. River Drass actually originates from Machoi Glacier at Gumry and after joining river Shingo (flowing from PaK) at Kaksar it finally joins Suru at Hondurman, 5 Kms before Kargil and flows down to PaK. Its main tributaries are Spangla, Matayan, Mushko and ALC nallahs, Marpo-cho, and Watakol etc.

The bowl shaped Drass is surrounded by towering peaks all around. It has high scope for climbing and trekking as well. The rock is igneous of the Punjab volcanic series. The summits are yellow and grey and dolomitic in appearance but utterly fragile and more resembling the scenery of Sonamarg. Rock faces and cliffs are in abundance here where Rock-Climbing training camps and championships could be organized for the youth. Machoi glacier offers great ice-crafting. It is also ideal for summer skiing. The Kargil Battle School has identified a rock-climbing area where they regularly train the soldiers to rock-climbing, while the High Altitude Warfare School is conducting Ice-Crafting on Machoi glacier.

There is immense possibility of undertaking short, long, low and high altitude treks here. A trek from Drass to Sankoo, Kashmir via Amarnath and Gurez via Mushko valley could be fascinating for trekkers. The famous Tiger Hill and Three Pimples peaks etc. offer great challenge for serious climbing. The University explored the possibility of holding climbing activities in the area in near future. It would certainly help inculcate and encourage a spirit of climbing among youth. The University team tried its best to trek into Tulail via Mushko valley but were not permitted by the army to move beyond Mushko village, though they had earlier requested the local Brigadier. Surprisingly after some days the Minister for Forests and MLA Gurez managed to cross into Mushko valley from Tulail which caused anguish among University explorers. A mountain biking trip from Srinagar to Drass via Gurez, Tulail, Chakvali and Mushko could be thrilling tourism product and a best segment for Discovery Channel.

Drass is the home of traditional Horse Polo and archery. There are two huge polo grounds at Drass and many other small grounds where horse polo is regularly played every evening by the local teams like we play football everywhere in Kashmir. There are nearly 16 well developed Horse Polo Clubs here, the prominent among them are Drass, Shahmurad, Holiyal, Goshan and Ladakh Scouts etc. In order to control, develop and promote Horse Polo they have formed Drass Polo Promotion Association which arranges polo tournaments there. Last year many local and major polo events were conducted which include Chief Minister’s Cup and Lalit Suri Memorial Tournament in which a Mongolian team also took part. Efforts of the DPPA are afoot to encourage this traditional sport amongst the Kashmiri youth. Appreciatively Mr. Mohammad Amin, President, DPPA arranged training of some University students to this unique sport at Drass in October this year. There is need of organizing many such events here at large scale by the LAHDC and KDA regularly and to facilitate the DPPA to grow this ancient sport.

The town could also offer a host of variety of allied adventure tourism products like Zorbing, Winter Sports, Snow Cycling, Baseball, Rugby, Sport Angling and Orienteering etc. There is also possibility of introducing Scree Running on loose rocky hills at Matayan. Scree is an accumulation of rock debris on a mountain or hill. Scree Running is a method of descending gravelly slope. There are a number of naturally groomed scree slopes with fine small loose stones on them.

Besides this, Drass is ideal place for aero sports which has high potential on commercial lines. There is best and constant wind condition for Paragliding and Parasailing here. The University Adventure Camp conducted preliminary paragliding training for its students on upper reaches of Goshan and Bearas Villages. The University also located an ideal site for parasailing, situated at Lakthong near Kargil Battle School campus. It is vast flat area where the land parasailing could be operated with the help of a Gypsy.

The above established facts reveal that Drass is an enchanting, amazing and magnificent destination for round the year adventure tourism provided Government lays infrastructure and arranges construction of a Tunnel on Zoji-La. Adventure Tourism is in fact thrust area in the tourism sector of our state. The LHDC and KDA must therefore, highlight this sector. It could become a hub of adventure tourism.

It is great of University students that with the intention to pay homage to Drass they raised loudly and proudly a yell…”She-Hale” at the end of the camp. By word “She” they meant, Drass while “Hale” means healthy (Drass Live Long). They vowed to protect this hidden adventure treasure for future generations.

Published in Daily Greater Kashmir on 14th Dec, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Make Sport Angling Suitable To Gurez

Sport Angling could attract scores of enthusiasts to Gurez as the River Kishenganga offers best opportunity to host major angling event that could also help boost youth and rural tourism there, hopes Mohammad Yusuf.

Gurez is a small but an enchanting and mesmerizing valley, lying in farthest north of Kashmir Himalayas, surrounded by Shamasbari Mountains with Mount Habba Khatoon in the middle and river Kishenganga running like a serpent through its entire length from Tulail to Kanzalvan.

Gurez was considered an important destination for explorers and adventurers in the mid twentieth century. Pertinently Srinagar-Bandipora and Gurez route was a nearest and easiest access to mighty Mount Nanga Parbat before independence. Most of the German climbing expeditions preferred this route to Nanga Parbat. It was also favorite route for traders in the ancient times. It reveals that tourism is not a new concept to Gurez but has remained an important tourist centre since time immemorial. It lost its importance after independence when the traditional route to Neelam Valley was blocked by the armies of two sides. Nothing special was left behind to attract tourists to this hidden hamlet except the rich cultural heritage.

After thorough exploration of Gurez valley by Kashmir University Reconnaissance Expeditions the Tourism Department and other tourism players have come to forefront and are now trying their utmost to put Gurez on international Tourist map for last few years. No doubt efforts are being made to raise basic infrastructure there but little attention is being paid towards exploring and exploiting the new components of tourism which suites to this mysterious valley. Appreciatively the Tourism Department is holding tourism festivals there regularly to acquaint tourism players about Gurez, while the Tourism Minister, Mr. Nawang Rigzin Jora is suggesting introducing Mountain Biking Rallies on Srinagar-Gurez sector like the one organized by the Indian Motor Sports Federation on Mughal Road in June this year but he is silent about other possibilities. Mountain biking is possible beyond Gurez. One could extend it up to Drass via Tulail, Baduab. Chakvali and Mushko valley once the road on this sector is thrown open for general public. It is great of Forest Minister and local M.L.A that they recently managed to travel on this newly built road. It is in fact a cherished desire of the Member Legislative Assembly, Mr. Nazir Ahmad Khan (Gurezi) to see domestic and foreign tourists visiting this wonderful Himalayan valley. He is leaving no stone unturned in motivating different organizations in Kashmir to send their teams to hold one or the other tourism related activity in Gurez, which would certainly pave way to attract the tourists from other parts of the country but he needs support of the Tourism Ministry to fulfill his dreams. There are many untouched tourism products those need to be developed in a big way, making thereby Gurez a major tourism destination of the state.

No doubt Gurez has a tremendous scope of becoming one of the leading and most favored tourist destinations of the state but the basic facilities lack there. There are many tourist attractions which one could offer to intended tourists here. The concept itineraries could make Gurez a distinctive tourist destination. Pertinently, besides heritage, cultural and medicinal plant tourism, the valley has the potential to offer many adventure outdoor pursuits like ski-touring, paragliding, parasailing, mountain biking and wild water sports etc.

Besides these activities, there is possibility of introducing sport angling on the gushing waters of river Kishenganga. No doubt sport angling is an old sports tourism activity in the world but it would be a new concept to our tourism industry. Sport Angling is an international sporting event and is catching up fast in the sub-continent.

God has bestowed beautiful river Kishenganga (Neelam) to Gurez valley which is full of trout fish but we could not use it for tourism activities. River Kishenganga actually originates from Kowbal, the upper reaches of Tulail valley and after running down through the entire length of Tulail and Gurez valleys it finally flows down to Neelam valley across the actual line of control. From Tourism point of view Kishenganga is ideal for competitive angling. It is wide and deep with turbulent and wild waters at many places. The calm and scenic environs of Gurez offer best opportunity for sport angling but should someone take a lead in exploiting this sector.

After setting up sub-offices at Dawar and Tulail the Fisheries Department has identified many fishing beats at places like Budogam, Sheikhpora, P.T.L, Kashpat, Burnio, Markot and Dawar etc for commercial fishing.. Commercial fishing is conducted on this river for long but to our dismay the Department has never given a thought to make fishing a regular sporting event. They just remained confined to its commercial activities unaware of the fact that it has tremendous scope in tourism sector. At the moment their activities are limited to sale of permits to fishermen, rare fish efficiently at their farms and then sell it out to public. This is no doubt generating huge revenue for the state but its other indirect benefit like promotion of rural and sports tourism are being ignored.

Fishing for sport, recreation, and relaxation is called sportfishing, or angling. Angling is one of the most popular forms of recreation in the world. Sport angling could take our tourism to new heights once it is recognized as a tourism product. The Tourism Department had in fact made an attempt to promote sport angling as a recreation when they highlighted this tourist component in their brochures. They should now give serious thought to this sector and put it on their annual calendar of activities. It is admitted fact that sport angling will never grow in Kashmir unless the Tourism Department adopts it. No doubt holding Tourism Festivals at Gurez is important but conducting recreational activities such as angling, skiing, mountain biking, paragliding and parasailing etc are equally important, as they have great significance in rural tourism. The sources and expert manpower is available in the Tourism Department who could pursue and patronize these activities. Pertinently the Deputy Director Tourism, Mr. Mahmud Ahmad is an avid adventurer and explorer who have helped his department exploring new trekking routes in Kashmir and Ladakh. He also played a lead role in introducing Snow Baseball at Gulmarg last winter. His expertise should be utilized for promoting sport angling in the valley as well. Director Tourism, Mr. Farooq Shah is a visionary person in whose tenure the adventure tourism received big boost.

The three most favored methods of fishing in both salt and fresh water are bait fishing, spin fishing, and fly-fishing. In all three methods, a fisher chooses a rod, a reel, and line of an appropriate weight and strength. Lures are chosen that imitate the game fish’s prey. Freshwater fishing takes place in lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. Game fish in these waters include trout, bass, and many other species.

In the United States, many organizations sponsor regional and national angling tournaments. Of these, freshwater tournaments governed by B.A.S.S. are the most popular. Each year 7,50,000 anglers participate in local, state, and regional events. The competitions include cash awards and prizes for various categories, including the biggest fish caught, the first fish caught, the most fish caught, and heaviest cumulative weight of fish caught. During tournaments, anglers keep captured fish in aerated containers—called live wells—in their boats. At the end of the day the fish are measured and recorded at the tournament center. They are then released unharmed. Anglers who amass enough points by catching fish in local and regional tournaments are invited to fish in the annual BASS masters Classic. Many communities sponsor fishing derbies for local children which teach them proper fishing techniques, etiquette, and conservation.

With a view to introduce angling as a competitive sport in the state the Tourism Department or the Fisheries Department must patronize the state level Sport Angling Association and must sponsor Angling Championships annually. The MLA, Gurez should also pursue this segment of tourism in his area. The meeting held between Mr. N.A.Gurezi, Dr. K.A Tarzan and this writer last year in connection with the formation of state level association did not bear fruit till date.

Published in Daily Greater Kashmir on 9th Nov, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Garden Not Blooming For Long

The Polo Ground Park is in dilapidated condition and the restoration of this historic park to its pristine glory is a matter of concern, concerns Mohamad Yousuf

During Dogra Raj the Polo Ground was considered the most popular play-field in the vicinity of Srinagar, in which horse polo matches were regularly conducted with great pomp and show by the royal family. The ground was so dear to them that they themselves were monitoring its up-gradation. It is said that in the absence of sophisticated mechanized lawn movers and brush cutters Maharaja Hari Singh had fed a flock of special breed of sheep which were engaged to graze the grass at zero level with their tiny teeth to give it a fine carpet like touch. It was also making the ground more graceful and playable. Simultaneously the droppings of the flock were very useful for the thick growth of turf which was working as natural manure.

After independence this royal ground was used for hosting different cultural and social activities like Jashn-i-Kashmir etc.

It was actually stretching from Gor-dav Kadal, present M.A. Bridge, to Polo View. But today the ground is divided into three sections. Eastern section is left for hosting different industrial exhibitions and low profile sporting events. Similarly the western section is earmarked for major football tournaments. After Bakhshi Stadium this ground is considered the second best football field in the valley.

Clearing the field for Santosh Trophy like national level football tournaments by Indian Football Federation was a great tribute to Maharajas who were avid football and polo enthusiasts. Interestingly while watching Football matches Maharaja Hari Singh gave nick names like “Ponz and Tarzan” etc to many veteran footballers for their extra ordinary skills. Late Haji Habib Ullah Dev was a great Goal-Keeper and for his acrobatics and high jumping he was nick named as Habib Ponz by the Maharaja. Similarly, Dr. K.A Tarzan’s uncle Late Ghulam Mohammad was also an ace football player and he was nick named at Tarzan. This title was later adopted by his entire family.

While, the central section of the ground was exclusively developed as Public Park by Agriculture Department. In the recent past this well maintained park was attracting scores of tourists from its locale.

Different varieties of rare flowers, shrubs, creepers/climbers and flowering ornamental and avenue tress were gracefully planted here. The charming weeping willows, Umbrella trees, conifers and variety of roses were adding grandeur to it. The nicely trimmed evergreens in different shapes and sizes were looking magnificent. Some dwarf fruit trees were also excising here. The mighty Chinars are still walling the park from its all sides. During hot summers many people used to sit and sleep under their cool shade for hours together. What a peace and tranquility one was experiencing when seated amidst these mighty trees here, looking at wild nature and forgetting one’s self. But alas! This historic Garden is in shambles today. It has lost its pristine glory. Like Dal Lake this park is also breathing its last.

I remember the Agriculture Department had prepared a fine nursery in a corner of this garden where different varieties of common and hybrid flowers and flowering bulbs including Cannas, Dahlia, Football Lilly, Gladiolus, Lillium, Gerbera, Tulip and Amaryllis etc were sown in narrow and long beds. During its bloom the nursery was giving a carpet like look in different colors when one could catch the sight of this garden from nearby Shankracharya hill top. In my childhood I usually used to climb the hillock and enjoy the view of this fascinating, scintillating, enchanting, mesmerizing and enthralling garden.

No doubt the Floriculture Department has raised the level of the garden after long wait but at many places the water still remains stagnant. Earlier due to raising level of roads and play-fields on all its sides the drainage system was completely blocked and the stagnant water damaged the trees, even many have died. The unwanted grass is grown to knee height. Surprisingly not a single flower bed is properly maintained here which gives bad aesthetic sense.

It is shocking that though the Office of Floriculture Officer, Srinagar is situated in this very garden and the Directorate Office is just a few meters away on opposite side yet they do not initiate any action to preserve this heritage garden. There is a proverb “Near the Church farther from God”, which this Department is observing in letter and spirit. To our dismay they hardly bother to look around their environs and arrange leveling of the garden, fill the ditches, cut tall grass, lay foot paths, cure sick trees, safeguard other rare live trees and shrubs and ensure its preservation. Astonishingly the Department seems more concerned about much hyped Tulip Garden, the flowers of which are not lost for long. The department should spend the bucks, they are earning from Tulip Garden, on other associated parks and gardens.

The department perhaps does not even have sufficient manpower and machinery to maintain the garden. There is a requirement of at least 50 gardeners while as just ten are deployed. They also need modern machines like small rollers, light and heavy mechanized lawn movers and brush cutters etc.

It depicts that the Floriculture Department is not serious to maintain its assets. If so, the Tourism Department has a role to play. They must come forward and initiate its comprehensive facelift, up-gradation, and beautification and restore its original environs like they are brilliantly maintaining the Nigeen Resorts and Zabarvan Park etc. Credit goes to Director Tourism, Mr. Farooq Shah and his nature loving Tourist Officer, Mr. Javed Iqbal Khan for converting barren land near Nehru Park, Ashai Bagh, Nigeen Club and Nand Pora into majestic and prideful gardens. Mr. Javed has great passion for flowers and is monitoring the Nigeen Boat Club lawns himself.

Like Tulip Festival the Tourism Department must organize Flower and Rose Shows in Polo Ground Garden which would certainly attract a sizeable number of visitors to the Park. Since the park is situated in the tourist hub of summer capital the restoration of its pristine glory is badly felt. This garden catches first sight of a tourist so we cannot afford to ignore it. The people in Srinagar are now becoming more health and environment conscious. They love going such parks and gardens often.

Surprisingly the Chief Minister and his Cabinet colleague happen to pass through this garden daily but perhaps they too have no interest in nature watching. They do not gaze environs while roaming around in the city centre. Urgent steps are required to be taken to preserve this heritage garden. Making Srinagar a green city doesn’t mean that the Floriculture Department allows the unwanted grass to grow shoulder height behind which scores of dogs take shelter and create menace. The authority concerned must therefore pass effective guidelines for conservation and protection of plant wealth. M.L.A, Amira Kadal constituency must also look into the matter and take up the matter with the concerned authorities and ensure its beautification.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Poonch-Gulmarg Road - A Disastrous Move

Linking Poonch to Gulmarg by road over Pirpanjal range would be environmental and wildlife disaster in Kashmir, cautions Mohamad Yousuf

This refers to the meeting of some J&K Ministers and bureaucrats, held in Srinagar recently in connection with the construction of a road on Poonch-Gulmarg sector in Kashmir. Many environmentalists, explorers and the adventurers are not happy with this proposal. They fear that it would be detrimental for preservation of natural beauty of the scenic and walling Pirpanjal range in Kashmir Himalayas. The Forest and Environment Minister is requested to review the decision taken in the meeting.

The tourism, players connected with adventure tourism, feel that the construction of the proposed road via Ferozpur nallah over fragile Pirpanjal range near Gulmarg would never help promote tourism there as is presumed by the Government. It would instead prove disastrous for Gujars, adventure tourism and wildlife. The proposed road would undoubtedly destroy wild mountain beauty of the area, where there is immense scope of promoting snow sports like snowboarding, Alpine ski, ski-touring, lug, bobsledding; trekking and other adventure tourism related outdoor pursuits. . It is admitted fact that Pirpanjal range is considered the best place for skiing in entire Himalayas. There are many virgin ski resorts just behind Mount Apharwat which need to be connected to Gulmarg through cable cars. The nearby Tosamaidan region and lofty Sunrise, Sunset and Tatakoti peaks are other attractions for extreme skiers.

The circular Mughal Road Trekking via Shopian, Poshiana, Alliabad, Pir Ki Gali, Poonch, Loren, Zamian pass, Ferozpur Nallah and Gulmarg was most popular amongst the students of Kashmir University in early eighties. Half of the trekking route from Hurpora (Shopian) to Poonch is already vanished with the construction of Mughal Road in this area so we will have to preserve the remaining part from Poonch to Gulmarg for our posterity. The destruction of trekking routes will badly tell upon the increasingly popular adventure tourism. We will have to safeguard the areas where there is possibility of conducting bush walking, high altitude trekking and climbing for our growing tourism. We have paid heavy toll for such mistakes in the past. I quote an example here that the Lehinwan to Inshan trek in Kishtwar Himalayas was very popular among foreign tourists in recent past. Nearly 1000 high end tourists used to undertake trekking on this route annually but ever since the road was laid here no one desired to trek around there. It was a big setback for adventure tourism in Kishtwar area. It is estimated that Kishtwar trekking expeditions were generating directly about 30,000 man days of work for laborers, cooking crew and pony owners etc. every tourist season with the annual income of nearly 2.5 crores of Indian rupees. Similarly after construction of many other roads in Zanaskar Himalayas the foreign travel companies severed their trekking programmes there. Another most popular route from Panikhar to Manali also met the same fate.

How nice it would have been if the Government could operate Twin Otter aircrafts for conveyance of handful mountain dwellers instead of laying expensive black toped roads through the mountainous terrains. Due to soil erosion and heavy snow fall in the Pirpanjal range we doubt if the Gulmarg-Poonch road could ever become all weather road.

The proposed road from Poonch to Gulmarg would perhaps also be not in the interests of Gujars and Bakerwals who otherwise prefer to travel through pastures to feed their cattle enroute. The wildlife and Gujar community will be badly affected as the road may demolish their habitat. Pertinently this area habitats some extinct species of wildlife including snow leopard, brown bear, fox and musk dear etc. Similarly it would tell upon the environment and future adventure tourism here. The Forest and Environment Minister is appealed to keep all these drawbacks in mind before implementing the deliberations of the meeting.

I do not understand what made them to think of laying yet another road to link Kashmir to Poonch when the Mughal Road has just been opened for general traffic. Connecting Poonch to Gulmarg through Cable Car could be suitable both for the development of winter tourism and for providing round the year transportation to the locals here. This is amazing that many European countries are linked to each other through cable cars. One can travel from Switzerland to Austria or other neighboring countries by a Cable Car but alas! We cannot travel from one district to another through this mode of transportation. Laying road on this mountainous terrain would perhaps cost more money than the cable Car

So far winter sports are concerned these are becoming increasingly popular in Gulmarg. On weekends and holidays thousands of tourists are seen skiing here. It is certain that after fifty years there will be no space for people to ski here. The back drop of Mount Apharwat is the treasure for winter sports athletes, so is to preserve it for our posterity. The authorities should therefore desist from constructing one more road in Pirpanjal range. The Government should consult the subject experts before taking big decisions concerning the environment and biodiversity etc. The Union Minister of State for Kashmir Affairs, Mr. Prithvi Raj Chouhan is also requested to stop facilitating the J&K Government in building the proposed Poonch-Gulmarg road. Instead he should arrange construction of tunnels at Shitkari (Sonamarg) and Zojila to make it all weather roads, which would help us to develop Sonamarg as winter sports destination. Constructing an all weather road between Bandipore and Gurez for promotion of tourism there is also essential.

It is astonishing that besides Pirpanjal, there is a plan to lay one more road in Sindh valley connecting Kangan to Gangabal which may later be extended to Telail. This road will certainly end up the most popular alpine trekking route from Sonamarg to Naranag via Krishensar and Gangabal and perish number of high altitude lakes. Gangabal is a sacred lake for Hindus. The Kashmiri pundits believe that the Ganga actually originates from this Lake. If the Minister for Forests and Environment, Jenab Mian Altaf Ahamad is serious to develop Sonamarg as adventure hub he must order stop the proposed Gangabal road immediately and pursue the construction of “Z” Morh Tunnel from Hung to Shitkari.

Published on 2nd August, 2010 in Daily Greater Kashmir

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dilapidated Foot Bridge Between Aloochi Bagh - Old Barzulla Needs Repair

By Mohamad Yousuf

Aloochi Bagh and Old Burzalla are situated in the core of Srinagar city just a few miles away from city centre of Lal Chowk. The flood channel, running from Ram Bagh to Tengpora bridges, demarks the two Mohallas. During Maharaja’s rule both these Mohallas were falling in the Batamaloo pargana. This is why both these Mohallas are still observing the Urs of Saint Sheikh Dawood Khaki (RA), popularly known as Bata-Maloo Sahib.

The two neighboring Mohallas are connected with a long but narrow wooden footbridge running all across the Dood Ganga Nallah and flood channel.

Every day hundreds of people walk over this bridge. But to dismay of local denizens the bridge is badly damaged and makes it a hazardous for children, women folk and old age people to walk on it safely.

The old planks lying on the surface of bridge are either broken or damaged by weathering. Many are put to ablaze by miscreants. There is a gap of nearly 2 to 4 feet between one plank to another at many places. At some places the weak and unsecured planks are put unsupported across big gaps causing threat of life to heavy weight pedestrians. Many loose and unsecured planks make seesaw at some places.

The bridge is nearly twelve feet high from ground level. The recently dredged water way in the middle of flood channel create height phobia to weaker heart people when they look down from the bridge and if balance is lost at such vulnerable places they will certainly fell in deep ditches and water way. The cross high winds could also prove fatal at times. It is also not possible to walk on it in rainy days when the muddy planks become too much slippery. The ditches underneath the bridge are filled with deep waters. It is not possible for ladies and senior citizens to walk on it without the support of youngsters. Slipping down from the bridge through big gaps could sometime kill the pedestrians. There are no railings on the sides of the bridge. The cyclists can never dream of crossing the flood channel over this antique bridge because of its pathetic conditions.

This is perhaps only kind of bridge in the entire city with unique features. Like preserving the heritage buildings in the city the INTACH must also pay attention towards the preservation of such heritage bridges.

Though the area lies within the Srinagar Municipal limits but alas! The SMC hardly bothers to repair such important connectivity. This footbridge is purely meant for two densely populated neighboring Mohallas. The poor pedestrians of the area cannot afford to travel by cars or auto rickshaws via Rambagh or Tengpora bridges. The residents of these two localities have urged the SMC and the Flood Control Department to look into the matter and arrange its immediate repairs. If the local M.L.A is really a native of this constituency it is time for him to wake up and provide funds for its repairs from his Constituency Development Funds and obliges We The Srinagarites.

Published in Daily Greater Kashmir on July 26, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Srinagar Lacks Public Swimming Pools

By Mohamad Yousuf

This is most unfortunate that we do not have any public swimming pool in Srinagar. The need to have one in the town is badly felt by We the Srinagarites for long but no one comes to our help.

Surprisingly almost in every tehsil of Punjab and other neighboring states they have a swimming pool of international standard but alas! We alone lack this facility. When we talk of civic hygiene and health we say it is the responsibility of Srinagar Municipal Corporation. If so, why do they lag behind in creating infrastructure that is essential for health care of citizens? In other states one could find scores of Swimming pools owned by the local Municipal Corporations which not only help to inculcate a spirit of competition among youth or maintain health but it also generates revenue for them. It is in fact social responsibility of SMC to arrange construction of at least one Swimming Pool in the city. The duty of SMC Health Officer should not only to take care of civic hygiene but should create all such avenues which are useful for maintaining civic health like pools, gyms and fitness parks etc.

Swimming is not only one of the oldest sports in the world but most early civilizations regarded it as a military skill. In ancient days many civilizations included it in the military training of young soldiers. It is an important source for lifesaving as well. It is perhaps why Islam considered learning swimming vital. Not only military aspect but the swimming is the basis for all sports and conditioning ones health. It develops strength, endurance, flexibility, courage, coordination, confidence, patience and of course it tones us up physically. Swimming is the safest, least painful journey to fitness and hence another ticket to mental and emotional stability.

Some time ago people in Srinagar were learning swimming in open lakes, rivers and ponds but due to increasing pollution in these water bodies’ people do not allow their children to learn swimming in these vulnerable water bodies. It is sure that a drop of polluted water, swallowed by a child, would cost heavy toll to his parent on his treatment. We appeal the SMC to take up the matter with Union Ministry of Human Resource Development for funding the project on missionary basis. The SDA should also extend help to SMC in its endeavor. It is regrettable that nearly 90% of children of this civilized nation do not know swimming.

The article was published in Daily Greater Kashmir on 24th June 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

More About Skiing In City

By Mr. Mehraj Din

This refers to the feedback by Idrees Ahmad titled “Not Possible” (GK June 6) in response to the write-up titled “Skiing Possible in Srinagar” of Mohammad Yusuf (June GK June 5). It is highly appreciating that at least someone has expressed concern about safety of wildlife around Dachigam National Park. No doubt if skiing is started in the heels of Zabarvan range, there could be concerns about safety of wildlife around Dachigam National Park. But this has always been there.

When we talk of eco-tourism there is possibility that we may occasionally face the wildlife but not necessarily there could always be man-wild animal conflict.

The intensive exploration made by Mohammad Yusuf in We the Srinagarites column some time back about skiing in Zabarvan range is of immense use from the tourism point of view.

He has mentioned that the Jungle walk could also be conducted in the area.

In Nepal tourists are taken to Chitwan National park where they are shown the wildlife. It is one of the biggest sources of foreign exchange earning there. In his article Yusuf has tried to highlight the potential of adventure tourism that could be conducted within the vicinity of Srinagar. It is surprising that Idrees did not raise hue and cry when a French skier, Sylvan Sudan was operating the Heli-Skiing in Mahadev area during winter, which caused not only the noise, but air pollution in the area as well. The regular Helicopter sorties could be more harmful to wildlife than laying a calm Cable Car. The cable car could also be beneficial for the Wildlife Department to keep watch and ward and for providing food to animals on upper reaches during winter when it becomes impossible to reach there in waist deep snow. I believe that adventure activities could be nicely organized in the Zabarvan range without harming the wildlife. From here one could go to Pahalgam and Sonamarg and is ideal place for bush walkers as well.

Organizing Ski-touring in the upper reaches of Dachigam National Park could be in the best interest of wildlife protection because it is not possible for wildlife guards to roam around in winter. The explorers and ski- mountaineers are in fact good friends of wildlife. They never harm them but keep giving reports about their existence in the far-flung areas. I quote an example here that in 1986 an International ski-mountaineering expedition was conducted in Lidder valley in which me and my friend Mohammad Yusuf were also participating. While skiing in Sekiwas and Marsar area (upper reaches of DNP) we spotted the foot prints of Snow leopard. On our return we informed the wildlife Department about the existence of this extinct specie in the Lidder valley. We were not believed and our report was nullified at that time. But after lapse of about 5 years a villager found a cub in the area which confirmed that we were correct. It seems that Mr. Idrees has no concept of eco-tourism so is criticizing Yusuf. He is suggested to take a daylong trek from Dhara to Lidwas, see the countryside and feel the nature. He will certainly feel pride there and desire that every Srinagarite go there on every weekend. He will also see that how high we the Srinagarites are now living, sharing the domain with wild animals without any conflict. For SDA I suggest to clear the mass which has accumulated on the rocks at Dhara. One could organize Sport Climbing there on every holiday for Srinagarites and SDA could earn revenue out of it.

About Author:

Mr. Mehraj Din, 56, was born in Srinagar. After graduating with an Arts degree from the Sri Pratap College in Srinagar, he briefly attended the University of Kashmir. Along with his studies he took advanced studies in adventure sports like mountaineering and skiing. He is one of the pioneers of Ski-mountaineering and Paragliding in India. He is now an adventure tour consultant, running a tour and travel business with outlets in Srinagar, Nepal and Bhutan. He is associated with many voluntary adventure sports organizations and is heading the J&K Ski & Mountaineering Association. He has intensively trekked and skied in India, Nepal, Europe and Australia. Feedback dinhighland@gmail.com or called at 9906597335.

The article was published in Greater Kashmir on June 21, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Skiing Possible In Srinagar...!

By Mohamad Yousuf

When we talk of extreme sports we just think of Gulmarg, Pahalgam, and Sonamarg etc unaware of the fact that a vast sea of adventure lies open to us within the Srinagar limits. Surprisingly snow skiing is also possible here but should someone explore the possibility of its promotion. A mountain called Mahadev, in Zabarvan range at Harwan offers great challenge for adventurers. It has the potential for skiing and snowboarding. It is now time for Srinagar Development Authority to adopt the mountain and promote adventure here. To our dismay the SDA is just concerned about raising huge buildings with no plans of making Srinagar a Green City. Srinagar does not only offer heritage, religious, conference and pleasure tourism etc but it has vast scope of hosting adventure tourism as well. The SDA may say that promoting adventure tourism is the duty of Tourism Department but like other Development Authorities they are supposed to, besides construction work, indulge in the promotion of tourism in Srinagar city.

Srinagar is walled by Zabarwan range on its eastern area. This range offers best possibilities of hosting trekking, orienteering, jungle safari, paragliding, rock-climbing and the fascinating snow skiing. Certainly, the word skiing must have surprised all of you. Yes, Mt. Mahadev remains snow bound till late May and has excellent ski runs. Notably Mahadev, 13,013 feet is the highest peak in Srinagar. Credit goes to Biscoe School for exploring this magnificent mountain nearly hundred years back for undertaking trekking by their students but unfortunately they never conceived idea of promoting skiing there. The rich Heli-skiers have been skiing in the area for long. But for the first time a local team, led by this writer undertook a ski-mountaineering expedition to Mahadev in May 1998. The team carried their skis from Harwan to Chakdara on their shoulders and there onwards they climbed the mountain with specially designed mountain skis, fitted with seal skins and crampons. The skis, fitted with Special Mountain Bindings permitted them to walk up on steep snow covered slopes. The expedition set up base camp at Lidwas and zoomed down all nearby ridges including Mahadev top. It was first attempt of its kind in Srinagar. If we really have to put Srinagar on Skiing map of India we need to install a cable car from Chakdhara to Lidwas and some poma lifts near the peak. The J&K State Cable Car Corporation must give thought to it. Surely in summer the lift would earn good revenue because everybody now desire to go deep in the city jungles to seek pleasure. I desire that every school should facilitate their students to climb Mahadev and have 360 degree panoramic view of the city. If Government has any plan to develop Srinagar Mount Mahadev must be kept in mind.

Published in Daily Greater Kashmir on 5th June, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Destination Sonamarg

Sonamarg, the Golden Meadow, has a tremendous potential of hosting many adventure tourism events. Are we prepared to tap it, asks Mohamad Yousuf

Sonamarg is set high in the Sindh valley before the Westward flow of the river Sindh is turned south to the vale of Kashmir. At this point it cuts through a line of igneous rock running North-West to South-East, weathered and firm. Nichnai and Thajewas Valleys form North and South run alongside these harder strata to join the Sindh just below Sonamarg near shitkari village. Sonamarg is not simply a picnic spot and a base for Shri Amarnathji yatra but is a wonderful destination for adventure tourism. It has tremendous potential for outdoor pursuits which need to be exploited by the tourism players. It is also one of the best places to study flora and fauna of the state but unfortunately it has always remained out of focus of the Government.

This tourist destination stands second to none all over the world. There is no other place in India where all types of snow, water and mountain based adventure activities could be conducted simultaneously. God has gifted it with all those ingredients that are required for seeking high adventures. Sonamarg could offer a host of many adventure sporting activities round the year. It has a wild mountain beauty that always greets the explorers.

The gushing River Sindh is ideal for wild water sports, such as rafting, kayaking and hydraulic Zorbing. The river, from Baltal to Shitkari, has grade 1 to 4 rapids, making it ideal for novices as well as for extreme rafters. One can further extend his rafting trip up to Ganderbal if he does portage at Hung/Shitkari for about a kilometer because huge rocks and other hurdles are lying in the middle of the river here, making this stretch a hazardous one. Should someone arrange clearing these hurdles the river Sindh could offer enchanting long commercial rafting/Kayaking run straight from Baltal to Ganderbal passing through picturesque countryside of north Kashmir? The Tourism Department has conducted two International Rafting Championships here and the third is being held soon. The main thrust for going through with such major events should have been to generate employment in rafting sector. The Tourism Ministry has never come up with a policy to develop this sector of tourism in Kashmir while as rafting trade is flourishing in Ladakh region. On the one hand Tourism Department is spending millions of rupees for organizing the Championship and on the other hand Sonamarg Development Authority is charging Rs.5.5 lacs to an unemployed youth to run commercial rafting at Sonamarg, Surprisingly, the other rafting companies at Pahalgam, Mammar and Wusan are charged a meager amount of Rs.2,000.00 per boat per month. This is purely anti youth and anti tourism policy of the concerned ministry in Kashmir.

For general public Rafting is run by a rafting company “Mountain Magic” at Sonamarg. Sonamarg Rafting has no parallel at any other place in the valley. It is because of these factors that our dynamic Chief Minister Jenab Omar Abdullah ran down a very high graded river stretch at Sonamarg last year. To make rafting a safe and secure affair the Mountain Magic has employed foreign River Guides. It has three sections of 3, 8 and 20 nautical miles run. Rafting is best way to experience fun, thrill, challenge and excitement with families at Sonamarg. Every School and College must allow their students to undertake a pleasure rafting trip at Sonamarg whenever they happen to go Sonamarg for excursion or trekking.

Sonamarg is considered mountaineering paradise. Some of the best mountaineering and rock-climbing is in Thajiwas or in the Sogput Dhar. There are some long and more technical rock faces at Shitkari as well. The mighty peaks such as Vishensar, Umbrella, Cefn Carnedo, Innominate, Mosquito, Valehead, Crystal and Blade/Arrow, etc. offer great challenge to intended climbers.

Sonamarg offers wide variety of high altitude trekking. It is a base for many magnificent treks. One can undertake circular treks to Amarnathji Cave; Bandipora; Gurez; Drass; and Pahalgam etc. A trek to Krishensar, Vishensar, and Gangabal is most interesting among all. It has nearly 55 high altitude lakes within a radius of 20 Kilometers. One can also undertake day treks from Sonamarg to Ludderwas, Eagle’s Nest, Sarbal, Amaranth cave, Lashi Pathri, Thajewas, Zabnar, Hapatnar and Kazim ridge etc. Zabnar, 4040 mtr. high above sea level makes a splendid day walk and provides one of the finest view points in the area for peaks such as Nanga Parbat, Nun & Kun and Amarnath massif etc.

Sonamarg is also called “valley of glaciers”. It receives heavy snowfall during winter but unfortunately it remains cut off from rest of the state during winter. The frequent avalanches in Shitkari area blocks the road and makes it impossible for tourism players to sell winter tourism here. Score of European Heli-Skiers have zoomed down the virgin passes, ridges and long ski runs covered with fantastic powder snow in Gund and Kulun areas. From April to July it is possible to ski the whole Thajewas Nar. Glacier 6 is not crevassed and provides good ski runs. Glacier 3 would make a fine ski-mountaineering expedition to the peaks “Valehead” and “Umbrella”. A Ski team of J&K Ski & Mountaineering Association, led by this writer, undertook first-ever reconnaissance expedition to Thajewas glaciers in May 1988. The team along with some Swiss skiers also undertook ski tour to Bear Valley. There is also possibility of operating other snow sports here.

Sonamarg is also ideal for aero sports. There is best and constant wind condition for Paragliding and Parasailing here. Paragliding pilots could fly here on land as well as on glacier. Paragliding was first introduced in Sonamarg way back in May 1988 by JKSMA. The team took first flight from Glacier 2 to the Thajewas base which in fact was first flight of its kind in the sub-continent.

There is also possibility of organizing many other allied adventure and recreational activities like Zorbing, Mountain Biking, Grass Skiing, Angling, Orienteering and snow baseball etc. Orienteering is a Cross-Country race involving map reading. Competitors make their way through unfamiliar mountain terrain using a compass and a topographical map. There is also possibility of introducing Scree Running in Vishensar area. Scree is an accumulation of rock debris on a mountain or hill. Scree Running is a method of descending gravelly slope. There are number of naturally groomed scree slopes covered with fine small loose stones here.

Sonamarg is an amazing and magnificent place where you will always love to be. This is the time for you to pay a visit. So what are you waiting for?

Published in Daily Greater Kashmir on June 3, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Polo in the waters of Kashmir

Tourism players have a role to play now when the domestic tourism is picking up fast in the valley and tourism players have a role to play. Inventing, introducing and encouraging new tourist products in today’s competitive market would help attract more tourists and boost the industry in the state writes Mohamad Yousuf

God has gifted us with Snow, Water and Mountains. Ours being the most liked tourist destination in the country we must make full use of these natural resources and heal up the ailing tourism industry. Tourism Department is undoubtedly working hard to bring back the glorious days of Kashmir tourism. For promotion of adventure tourism the Director Tourism, Mr. Farooq Shah is more concerned and is making all out efforts to create one or the other tourist attracting activity here. Holding of festivals and adventure activities at national and international levels by the department has carried message of peace all over the world and more and more tourists have now started pouring in. It was great of Tourism Department to introduce American national sports, Baseball, on Snow at Gulmarg during winter this year. Snow Baseball was a brainchild of Mr. Farooq Shah which received accolades worldwide. But there are still many more things to be done. Besides tulip, saffron, Shikara, gardens and heritage sites etc we have many more things in Srinagar which need to be exploited by the Tourism Department and its alliances in a big way. Mount Mahadev has excellent ski runs thereby offering ski-touring within Srinagar limits till late April.

In Srinagar we have number of world famous water bodies, like Dal Lake, Nigeen Lake and river Jhelum where we could promote scintillating water based activities like jet boating, water skiing, aqua-parasailing and other paddle sports etc. A new ball and paddle sport called Canoe Polo has come up in the world. We need to develop and encourage it.

Polo is an ancient game in which two teams of players riding on horses play with hammers. With the passage of time the cyclists started playing polo on their bicycles. Not only cyclists but the swimmers also introduced it in water. While the paddlers introduced it in lakes and today we have different types of polo.

It is catching up fast all over the world but only we lag. After adopting this fascinating, scintillating and thrilling paddle sport the competitions are regularly held at regional and International levels. Canoe Polo has become one of the best sources of recreation and pleasure today.

Canoe polo is a game played on still waters by 2 teams who paddle hard, pass ball from hand to hand and throw it in each other’s goal posts to score goals. It is often described as combination of water polo, basket ball and Kayaking. It is admitted fact that this unique sport has tremendous potential in our state, particularly in Srinagar, which is known as the City of Lakes.

The Kayaks and Canoes were basically used for travel and transportation for hundreds of years by many cultures. Canadian Canoeing was started by Red Indians in North America and Kayaking by Eskimos. Today we have not only the competitive Kayaking and Canoeing but we have invented Canoe Polo as well.

Jammu And Kashmir State has in fact played a pioneering role in introducing and developing Kayaking and Canoeing in India. We are known as fathers of modern Kayaking and Canoeing in India. First two National Championships were consecutively organized on the waters of Dal Lake, in 1988 and 1989. Kashmir University introduced it at All India Inter-Varsity level in 1999. It is incredible that out of five Inter-University championships Kashmir University has hosted it thrice and lifted championship trophies twice.

The J&K Police and J&K Youth Services Department are also promoting these sports here for long. It is praiseworthy that all the three organizations have raised lot of infrastructure for promotion of these sports but unfortunately, accept Kashmir University; no other organization has ever conceived idea of introducing Canoe Polo in their Centers, though they have produced ace kayakers and canoeists. Canoe Polo could become our national sport should someone have given little attention towards its development. Pertinently most of us live close to water bodies and know the art of paddling. We have plenty of small boats (Shikaras) available here and have easy access to them. Our youth could easily learn this kind of polo and become strong contenders in the world. It is now right time for us to start training youth, forming polo teams and holding regular feedback competitions. Sponsoring the first-ever State Canoe Polo Championship by our Tourism Department could be a big gift to youth who are celebrating the International Year of Youth this year. No doubt they have made an attempt in the past but the sport could not sustain.

In its effort to introduce Canoe Polo in India the Kashmir University Lake Club (ULC) started training its students to this healthy sport last year under the supervision of this writer. The ULC is all set to arrange a demonstration match during next All India Inter-University Kayaking and Canoeing Championship. The University Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Riyaz Punjabi is an avid aquatic athlete. He has great love for water sports and is keen to develop aquatics. Under his patronization the University lifted Team Championship trophy in Canoeing in last All India Inter-University Championship. The Tourism Department should try to arrange a demonstration Canoe Polo match during forthcoming Common Wealth Games in Delhi which would help not only to introduce this sport in sub-continent but will also help promote much needed sports tourism in J&K.

For promoting sports tourism the Tourism Department and other tourism players will have to work together and exploit every unexploited tourist product whichever we can offer to intended tourists. Special adventure programmes must be conducted for College and University youths so as to raise trained manpower for adventure tourism. There is also need of setting up a Research Wing in the Tourism Department which could invent, introduce and promote new recreational activities that help state to lure more tourists here.

Published in Daily Greater Kashmir on May 19, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Road of Tragedy

By Obaid Yousuf

This refers to Man-Eater in the City by Mohamad Yousuf published in We the Srinagartes column of City Page. The author has just highlighted the hazards and miseries faced by the people on the road of tragedy, the By-Pass. The authorities are requested to kindly listen to us this time and protect our children from accidents who wait for their school buses on this dangerous road.

The sleeping serpent (By-Pass) will keep on killing people till the concerned agencies do not awaken and construct a service road parallel to the highway.

On reading the title Man Eater in the City, I was frightened that if the man-eater has really attacked the City but after going through the write-up I could imagine that By-pass is really turning into a death trap. Amazingly on the one had Yusuf tried to aware masses about protection of wildlife and on the other hand he expressed hardships faced by the people here due to road terror. Sure both, the wild as well social animals are precious and need protection. Before taking up a project, the constructing agencies must see whether sufficient funds are available with them to execute the work. How ironic it is that ERA is unnecessarily digging the roads and then leave them open for longer periods creating difficulties to the people. We are not crying for the rain waters that have accumulated and submerged the entire southern city because we know our fault of opting to live in the low lying areas so have to bear with it. But demolishing of the safe footpaths or service roads by ERA is objectionable. They are exposing the pedestrians to high risks by making them to walk on main Bypass. They should not spread hands beyond their limits. T is not sensible to dig up the entire road and then leave it half done. Yusuf is right in saying that when a wild animal kills a human being, people raise hue and cry and curse t he animal but when a human kills a human no other human being raise the issue against the defaulter agencies. It is now right time for NGO’s to wake up and take up the matter with higher authorities.

About Author:

Obaid Yousuf is a B.Com student of Govt. Degree College, Bemina and is simultaneously pursuing GNIIT (Software Engineering) from National Institute of Information Technology. In his leisure time he writes articles on sports and social issues. Photography is also his hobby. Feedback at: ubaidyusuf@hotmail.com

The article was published in Daily Greater Kashmir on May 3, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Man Eater In The City

By Mohamad Yousuf

When a wild animal occasionally visits the interiors of Srinagar city everybody get panic and feel insecure. Just on hearing the presence of wild visitor in the city we start shouting against the Wildlife Department and ridicule the poor animal whose domain we have snatched. On spotting them in the city we some time even burn them alive or shoot them at site with guns, though we know the ways and methods to keep them away. But what about a Python, which is silently sleeping in the outskirts of Srinagar city for long? This is non else but a serpentine road called By-Pass. The premier road which is running from Pathachok to Shalteng has virtually become a dreaded man eater serpent. This killer road has eaten up hundreds of people ever since it is constructed.

With the increase of vehicular traffic it is becoming more and more hazardous than before. There always remains a threat of life to thousands of people living close to By-Pass. It has become more Khoni Road in Srinagar than the infamous Khoni Nallah on Srinagar-Jammu National Highway.

This writer has seen many dreadful accidents occurred on this road. Few years back an uncontrolled truck hit a lady who was waiting for bus near Tengpora Bridge. On reaching to the victim we found her one leg laying at one place and rest of the body far away which shook every by passer there. Another surprising accident occurred during night when a family of Gujars (Nomads) was escorting a herd of sheep on way back to their home land in Jammu region. A rash truck driver killed more than 150 domestic animals of the herd and two of their escorts. After losing its control the truck stuck in an open wide ditch. Later after searching other missing women she was found lying in the deep dug ditch under a wheel of the truck. She was pulled out live and unhurt from the wheel. It was nothing but a miracle. On Tuesday evening (20th April 2010)) one elderly resident, 75 years, of Alnoor Colony, Hyderpora, Mr. Ghulam Nabi Shah was hit and run by a fast driven car near Classic Hospital when there was heavy down poor in the city. The poor resident was going to mosque to offer prayers. He is critically injured, suffering multiple fractures on his lower limb. Being an acute diabetic patient he is fighting for life in Bone and Joint Hospital for last three days. This all happened due to pathetic condition of service road. The old man was forced to walk on main busy By-Pass. The deep dug open drains on service road of the By-Pass don’t permit free movement to pedestrians here.

There is water and only water everywhere all along this road making impossible to walk around here. These open drains have become “Mot Ka Kuan” (death trap). Now the question arises, who is responsible for Mr. Shah’s accident? Is it the fast running car or the Economic Reconstruction Agency (ERA) which has left the drains half done and made impossible for citizens to move around on foot path of service road?

Is there anyone who could address this grave situation or is there anyone else who could file a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) against the agencies looking after this dreaded man eater road (By-Pass). Someone has to come forward to save the precious lives of people here.

Published in Daily Greater Kashmir on April 28, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Scaling A New High

Throwing Peaks open in Ladakh for climbing delights Mohamad Yousuf

This refers to the writ up “Mountaineering on Ladakh peaks gets green signal” written by Arif Shafi Wani, (Greater Kashmir, Sports page April 15, 2010). I.M.F stands for Indian Mountaineering Foundation and not Indian Mountaineering Federation as mentioned in the report. Indian Mountaineering Foundation is a controlling body of Mountaineering in India. It is obligatory for every Indian or foreign team to book the particular peak with I.M.F and seek necessary permission before launching expedition in Indian Himalayas. It is not only because of security reasons that the I.M.F books the peaks but for avoiding jumbling of climbers of different nations on the particular peak as otherwise there could be clashes among mountaineers for choosing the climbing route and setting up base camps etc.

It is heartening that the Govt. of India has finally thrown open the mighty peaks in Ladakh Himalayas for climbing. I remember in early seventies I had to obtain permission from Superintendent of Police, Srinagar for visiting Leh. It is laudable step taken by Defence Ministry. It would certainly help promote adventure tourism in Ladakh region but what about Kashmir? We do not have lofty peaks in the valley but we have world’s best trekking routes all around which could lure thousands of foreign and domestic trekkers here. It is true that the presence of troops on the trekking routes does not permit tourist players to organize trekking expeditions freely and fearlessly for intended tourists. The most beautiful trekking routes in Kashmir we have are from Sonamarg to Gangabal and back to Kangan via Naranag or a trek from Bandipore to Gangabal and back to Sonamarg or Kangan. One can find variety of flowers and more than fifty mountain lakes on this route which include famous Gangabal, Gadsar, Krishensar and Vishensar etc. The other best trekking route we have in Kashmir is from Pahalgam to Kulun via Sunmous or Yemhar pass. Both these routes are suitable not only for trekking but for ski-touring as well. In 1984 this writer successfully led a ski-mountaineering expedition from Pahalgam to Surfrah in Sindh valley which is still a record.

We need to explore more routes for trekking and ski-touring in the valley for which we have more potential than climbing peaks in Ladakh. Mountaineers are less but trekkers are in abundance, so Kashmir should take benefit of it. We can attract a large chunk of tourists to our trekking areas. The Tourism Department must make its effort to get clear all these trekking routes from the troops forthwith. It is true that besides Pirpanjal range, we have number of small but more challenging peaks in Sindh and Lidder valleys which include Umbrella peaks, Mosquito peak, Cnf Carnedo, Innominate, Valehead, Crystal Peak, Blade/Arrow, Nichnai peak and Mount Harmukh etc in Sindh valley, while Mount. Kolahoi and Sheeshnag peak etc. in Lidder valley and Sunrise, Sunset and Tatakoti peaks etc. in Pirpanjal range. Rauf Tramboo has well said that the tourists feel scared in mountainous regions of Kashmir due to presence of troops but his suggestion to charge fee to foreign expeditions to earn revenue for the state is not fare. He must know that the Indian Mountaineering Foundation, Delhi is already charging huge sum on account of permission fee to foreign expeditions. Charging more fees by state Government may cause damage to adventure tourism. . Money should not be consideration for our Tourism Department if we really have to boost adventure tourism in the state, instead they should pay some incentives to adventure promoters/operators. As per my knowledge the I.M.F was providing some share of the money earned through fee to Himalayan states but I fail to understand where this money has gone in J&K. Surely this money was not properly utilized for the purpose it was provided to our state. I remember sometime back the Ex-Director General Tourism/Ex-President of J&K Mountaineering and Hiking Club, M. Ashraf had moved a proposal to raise a sport climbing wall in the valley from the money received from I.M.F but unfortunately this artificial wall never came into existence in Kashmir till date, though there is urgent need of procuring this artificial climbing wall. This could help us to promote Sport Climbing (competitive rock-climbing) and train local youth to Mountaineering. At the moment we do not have trained manpower who could go as liaison Officer with foreign expeditions to Ladakh Himalayas. Surely someone else will be benefited. Pertinently Kashmir has given birth to great mountaineers like Late Master Chandra Pandit, Late Samasar Chand Koul and Late Abdul Rehman (popularly known as Rehman Nanga) who have been part and parcel of earlier expeditions to dreaded Nanga Parbat and K2. We do not have good climbers in the new generation.

Published in Greater Kashmir on April 19, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

By-Pass Illuminated But……?

After PDD it is now duty of Social Forestry and Gardens and Parks Departments to plant carnation plants and grow greenery all along the Centre Line Divider of By-Pass, desires Mohammad Yusuf

After much wait the Power Development Department has finally illuminated the premier By-Pass, in outskirts of Srinagar. The road extending from Pantha Chowk to Shalteng now looks glorious, gracefull and magnificent all along its length. But the PDD has dismayed the residents of Alnoor Colony for leaving some of the poles, numbering about eleven, from Asif Petrol Pump to Classic Hospital un-electrified due to unknown reasons. It has given a bad look to entire length of By-Pass. It is unaesthetic and one feels monotonous while walking at this stretch of the road. The residents of the area are feeling very bad about PDD for leaving these handful poles un-illuminated. However, they are delighted for restoring glory to By-Pass and have conveyed their gratitude to the Department for decorating the road with bright lights which earlier experienced total darkness ever since the electric meters were installed to the consumers here. It was a delighting moment for them, who came out from darkness to light after long. Surprisingly the bright light goes to their bi-lanes and compounds as well which may also help them to keep away thieves who had made their lives miserable by stealing their telephone and electric service wires often. The writer of this article is one of the worst sufferers whose expensive high duty service wire was stolen thrice in dark cold nights.

But it is disgusting that these electric poles were erected by PDD after the Gardens and Parks Department or any other agency had already leveled the mid path (Centre Line Divider) and planted grass roots to make it a green belt. The PDD destroyed the greenery with their machines. How nice it would have been if the PDD had first fixed the poles and then the Gardens Department planted the grass. The Departments like, ERA, PHE, BSNL, PDD, UEED, R&B and SMC etc do not keep liaison or co-ordinate with each other while undertaking any major construction projects on roads. They just dug out the roads one after another causing a big loss to state exchequer and put residents in more trouble.

Coming back to By-Pass the E.R.A has recently completed the work of laying drainage system on right side of By-Pass and half portion of left side. But the agency has failed to fill up the deep dug drains after executing the work on left side which has caused inconvenience to the people living in the locality. The pathetic condition of Service Road gives tough time to car owners and trouble to pedestrians. Residents are not able to cross cars from their homes to main road through muddy lanes. The open deep ditches would store water during rains and snowfall and thus cause damage to their houses as has happened in the Sanatnagar area. The E.R.A should immediately fill up these open ditches from Hero Honda to Classic Hospital before they go for hibernation.

Besides Government agencies, the private business establishments are also not cordial and friendly with local community. It is observed that the newly established K.C Hyundai and K.C Chevrolet etc are throwing wrappers and other dirt on the road side. Many other shopkeepers in the area also do not hesitate throwing their waste and garbage on the road which has caused nuisance in the area. Besides, the K.C Hyundai and Jamkesh Vehicleads are parking fleet of cars on the Service Roads, leaving no space for pedestrians to walk through, compelling them to walk on busiest By-Pass and exposing them to accidents. It is a dangerous and ill conceived policy of these workshops. The people may tolerate the pollution, emitting from these workshops but can no way tolerate dangerous walk on main By-Pass. The children, female and old people could become prey to such road hazards. The S.M.C must immediately wake up and take action against such spoilsport business establishments. Keeping service road clear from garbage and cars is need of the hour. They must also arrange planting greenery and carnation plants in the mid path forthwith. The small fountains can be constructed at various places on the road which would add it charm.

Published on 15th Feb, 2010 in Greater Kashmir